Startup Showcase: Brave Technology Co-op: Saving Lives with Overdose Detection Tools

Brave Technology Co-op is a technology co-operative based in Vancouver, British Columbia, with a mission to end overdose fatalities. The company has developed overdose detection tools that identify overdoses and activate life-saving community responses, with a focus on designing products that are accessible to everyone, especially those most at risk.

Revolutionizing Overdose Detection

The Brave Technology Co-op has developed a range of overdose detection tools that are used in public health and housing groups, supportive housing buildings, acute and community care centers, civic spaces, and businesses. The company’s tools have been used more than 10,000 times and saved over 100 lives to date.

The company co-designs its products with people who use drugs to ensure that overdose detection and response are accessible to everyone, especially those most at risk. This approach has helped the company to create innovative products that are easy to use and highly effective.

Saving Lives, One Overdose at a Time

The Brave Technology Co-op is on a mission to end overdose fatalities, a preventable cause of death that claims too many lives every year. The company’s products are designed to prevent fatal overdoses in communities by activating a life-saving community response.

By working closely with people who use drugs and other stakeholders, the company is addressing the root cause of the overdose epidemic and helping to create safer communities. The company’s approach to overdose prevention is a game-changer and has already saved numerous lives.

Raising Awareness and Advocating for Change

One of the biggest challenges facing the Brave Technology Co-op is raising awareness about the overdose epidemic and advocating for change. The company’s mission is to end overdose fatalities, but this can only be achieved by working with stakeholders at all levels, including government, healthcare providers, and community organizations.

The Brave Technology Co-op is actively engaging with these stakeholders to raise awareness about the overdose epidemic and to advocate for change. The company is also working to develop new products and services that can help prevent fatal overdoses and create safer communities for everyone.


The Brave Technology Co-op is a game-changer in the fight against the overdose epidemic. The company’s innovative products and services are saving lives and creating safer communities, while its advocacy work is helping to raise awareness about the overdose epidemic and advocate for change. The company’s mission is to end overdose fatalities, and with its innovative products and services, it is well on its way to achieving that goal.





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