Startup Showcase: Infinity Biofuels – Pioneering Renewable Energy Technologies

Infinity Biofuels is a Burlington-based startup that has been at the forefront of the renewable energy sector since 1990. The company has developed and patented numerous technologies in the field of renewable energy and has sold them to developers around the world. Infinity Biofuels’ innovative approach to biofuels has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about energy generation and consumption.

Pioneering Renewable Energy Technologies

Infinity Biofuels has been a pioneer in the field of renewable energy, having developed and patented numerous technologies over the past three decades. The company’s focus on renewable energy has led to the development of a variety of technologies, including biomass to ethanol, water sterilization, tires to chemicals, and biosolids to chemicals. Infinity Biofuels’ commitment to renewable energy has led to the creation of bench and pilot models to ensure the effectiveness of the processes.

Conversion of Municipal Solid Waste to Gasoline

Infinity Biofuels’ most effective technology is the conversion of Municipal Solid Waste to gasoline. This process has been reviewed by two universities and aided in the development of a proprietary catalyst. The process was then reviewed by a leading engineering firm and a report completed. Given all these reviews and the use of off-the-shelf equipment, a large insurance firm offered a comprehensive wrap to the purchaser. With all the details completed, the current purchaser of the license felt secure enough to complete a transaction and purchase a license. Infinity Biofuels’ commitment to renewable energy has attracted a purchaser who has also purchased 20% ownership in the company, recognizing the potential for growth and security.

Future Technologies

Infinity Biofuels is also working on other technologies that will create diesel and jet fuel from various organic materials, such as biomass and stranded natural gas. These new technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about renewable energy and could be a game-changer for the industry.


Infinity Biofuels is a pioneering renewable energy startup that has been developing and patenting technologies in the renewable energy sector since 1990. The company has developed a variety of technologies, including the conversion of Municipal Solid Waste to gasoline, which has been reviewed by two universities and a leading engineering firm. With a commitment to renewable energy, Infinity Biofuels is poised to revolutionize the way we think about energy generation and consumption. The company’s focus on future technologies, including diesel and jet fuel from various organic materials, demonstrates its commitment to innovation and the potential for growth in the renewable energy sector.



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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.