Startup Showcase: SpikeBee – Revolutionizing the Way You Search and Book Camps, Classes, and Activities

Connecting Families with Activities for all Seasons

SpikeBee is a marketplace that is set to revolutionize the way families search and book camps, classes, and activities. This online platform is a one-stop-shop that offers businesses an opportunity to list their activities all year round, while parents and guardians can search and register for activities at any time, from anywhere. SpikeBee offers an integrated online registration system that allows businesses to offer discounts, such as early bird and late registration, multi-sibling, and membership discounts to fill their camps and classes.

Connecting Families with Activities for all Seasons

Finding the perfect activity for your family can be a daunting task, especially when you have to comb through multiple websites and publications to find what you are looking for. SpikeBee offers a solution to this problem by providing a central location where families can search and book activities for all seasons. The platform is easy to navigate and provides a search function that allows you to find camps and classes based on location, age, cost, and category.

SpikeBee for Businesses

SpikeBee offers businesses an opportunity to list their activities all year round at any time. This means that businesses no longer have to wait for quarterly publications or incur large upfront costs. The platform offers a simple and efficient way to reduce admin and overhead costs, as well as increase exposure to camps throughout Canada, the USA, and abroad. Pro and Premium plans are available for businesses that want to benefit from additional features.

SpikeBee for Families

SpikeBee offers families an opportunity to find, select, and manage their activities online at any time. The platform provides a convenient way to preview and register for activities, as well as share and review feedback with fellow moms, friends, and colleagues. Signing up for SpikeBee is free, and families can access any activity and company listings.


SpikeBee is an innovative startup that is set to revolutionize the way families search and book camps, classes, and activities. The platform offers a central location where businesses can list their activities all year round, while families can search and register for activities at any time, from anywhere. With an easy-to-use platform and a comprehensive search function, SpikeBee is the go-to place for families looking for the perfect activity for all seasons. If you are a business looking to reduce admin and overhead costs while increasing exposure to camps, or a family looking for a convenient way to find and manage activities, be sure to sign up for SpikeBee today.





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