Startup Showcase: Applied Brain Research – Revolutionizing AI with Neuromorphic Computing

Neuromorphic computing is an exciting new field that seeks to create computer systems that work like the human brain, with artificial neurons processing information in parallel and using less power than traditional machine learning algorithms. Applied Brain Research (ABR), based in Waterloo, Ontario, is at the forefront of this emerging technology, developing Nengo, a neuromorphic artificial intelligence interactive development environment that is changing the way we think about AI.

Revolutionizing AI with Neuromorphic Computing

ABR’s Nengo is a neuromorphic compiler and runtime that allows developers to build neural computing applications using artificial neurons. This approach allows for more accurate and responsive AI networks that use less power, making them ideal for use in a wide range of applications. With Nengo, developers can create AI systems that can process time-series data, making them perfect for real-time applications like robotics, speech recognition, and vision systems.

The World’s Smallest Edge AI Chip

One of the most exciting applications of Nengo is in the development of edge AI chips. These are small, low-power chips that can process data on the device, rather than sending it to a centralized server. This makes them ideal for use in devices like smartphones, wearables, and IoT devices. ABR has developed the world’s smallest edge AI chip for time-series processing, which is perfect for these types of applications.

The World’s Most Advanced Neuromorphic Compiler

In addition to developing the world’s smallest edge AI chip, ABR has also created the world’s most advanced neuromorphic compiler. This compiler allows developers to create AI networks that are optimized for use on neuromorphic hardware, like the Intel Loihi, Spinnaker, and BrainDrop. These chips are designed to work like the human brain, processing information in parallel and using less power than traditional machine learning algorithms. With ABR’s neuromorphic compiler, developers can create AI systems that are more accurate, more responsive, and use less power than ever before.

Building a Functional Service Robotic Operating System

ABR’s long-term goal is to build a neuromorphic platform that can be used as a functional service robotic operating system. To achieve this goal, they are developing ABR Reach, a library of neuromorphic applications that can be used to control robotic arms and other devices. They are also using their research platform, Spaun, to develop learnings that can be applied to the development of new AI systems. With ABR’s expertise in neuromorphic computing, they are well-positioned to revolutionize the field of robotics and create new opportunities for the use of AI in a wide range of applications.


In conclusion, Applied Brain Research is a company that is revolutionizing the field of AI with its innovative approach to neuromorphic computing. With Nengo, the world’s most advanced neuromorphic compiler, and the world’s smallest edge AI chip, ABR is at the forefront of this emerging technology. Their long-term goal of building a functional service robotic operating system is ambitious, but with their expertise and dedication to research, they are well-positioned to achieve it.




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