Startup Showcase: Capiche Capital Technologies – Automating and Streamlining Capital Raises for Companies

Capiche Capital Technologies is a Vancouver-based startup that is revolutionizing the way companies raise capital. Capiche is a fully-integrated, secure web-based platform that automates and streamlines the capital raise process for companies on the TSX-Venture, CSE, and private companies. The platform brings the private placement process online, quickly and efficiently generating all required documentation and effectively coordinating interactions with investors and those referring investors to the financing, guiding the transaction to completion from setting the terms and preparing a closing agenda to the filing of the report of exempt distribution.

With Capiche, issuers and investors benefit from a streamlined process that ensures that the private placement is effected in full compliance with securities laws and that confidential information remains confidential. The platform ensures that the private placement process is fully understood by all users and can be tailored to their preferences. It’s a win-win for the issuer and for investors because more of the monies raised are available to the issuer for furthering corporate objectives and thereby increasing shareholder value.

Revolutionizing the Way Companies Raise Capital

Capiche is a game changer for companies looking to raise capital. In the past, capital raises were typically time-consuming, complex, and expensive. Companies would often hire investment banks or other professionals to help them navigate the process. This approach could be costly and slow, with the possibility of not getting the expected result. Capiche eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing the cost of raising capital and streamlining the process.

The platform is fully automated and generates all the necessary documents for a private placement, including subscription agreements, investor questionnaires, and disclosure documents. It also ensures that all securities laws are complied with, and that the process is transparent and easy to understand for all parties involved. The result is a faster, more efficient process that saves companies time and money while providing a high level of security and compliance.

Benefits for Issuers and Investors

Capiche benefits both issuers and investors. For issuers, the platform streamlines the capital raise process and eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing the cost of raising capital. It also ensures that the process is fully compliant with securities laws, reducing the risk of legal issues down the road. By using Capiche, issuers have access to a larger pool of investors, giving them greater flexibility in how they raise capital.

For investors, Capiche provides a transparent and secure platform for investing in private placements. Investors can view all relevant documents and communicate with the issuer directly, reducing the need for intermediaries. This transparency and efficiency can lead to faster decision-making and a greater sense of trust between the issuer and investors.

In addition, Capiche’s platform is fully customizable, allowing issuers and investors to tailor the capital raise process to their specific needs and preferences. This level of flexibility ensures that everyone involved in the process is comfortable with the terms of the investment and that the investment is aligned with the goals of both the issuer and the investor.


Capiche Capital Technologies is a Vancouver-based startup that is revolutionizing the way companies raise capital. The platform automates and streamlines the capital raise process for companies on the TSX-Venture, CSE, and private companies. By eliminating intermediaries, Capiche reduces the cost and complexity of raising capital while providing a transparent and secure platform for investors. The result is a faster, more efficient process that benefits both issuers and investors.





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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.