Startup Showcase: Evidence Prime – Streamlining Evidence-Based Health Care Decision Making

Providing AI-based tools and services for Evidence-Based Health Care

As the field of healthcare continues to rapidly evolve, the process of creating health care guidelines, literature reviews, systematic reviews, and Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) has become increasingly complex and time-consuming. Evidence Prime, a Hamilton-based startup, is aiming to simplify this process by providing modern IT collaboration tools for Evidence-Based Health Care experts, allowing them to streamline the process of health care decision making and reduce the time and effort required to create evidence-based health care resources.

With tens of thousands of healthcare experts worldwide using Evidence Prime’s products, including doctors, nurses, and public health experts, the company is making a significant impact on the healthcare industry. In this startup showcase, we’ll take a closer look at Evidence Prime’s mission, products, and the team behind the company.

Mission and Industries

Evidence Prime’s mission is to provide AI-based tools and services for Evidence-Based Health Care, with the goal of improving the quality of health care decision making worldwide. By creating collaboration tools for healthcare experts, the company is aiming to streamline the process of creating evidence-based health care resources, making it easier for healthcare organizations to make informed decisions.

Industries served by Evidence Prime include public, governmental, academic, and private healthcare organizations, pharma, HTAs, pharma consulting companies, 3rd party payers, and private consultants. By serving such a broad range of industries, Evidence Prime is helping to democratize the creation of evidence-based health care resources and make them more accessible to healthcare professionals worldwide.


Evidence Prime offers a suite of products designed to streamline the process of creating evidence-based health care resources. Their flagship product, GRADEpro, is a tool for authoring medical guidelines, with over 100,000 users worldwide. GRADEpro has become a de-facto worldwide standard for health care guideline development, providing healthcare experts with a simple and intuitive tool for creating evidence-based health care guidelines.

In addition to GRADEpro, Evidence Prime has recently launched a new product called Laser AI. Laser AI is designed to solve the problem of the cost and time required to create literature reviews in health care. Based on a highly specialized AI model, Laser AI speeds up the process of evidence synthesis, data extraction, and recommendation authoring by an order of 2 right now and will speed it up tenfold within the next two years. This award-winning deep learning model won the first prize in the 2018 NIST TAC-SRIE competition.


Evidence Prime was founded by a team of experts from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and a group of IT experts from Krakow, Poland. The team includes experts in health care decision making, evidence synthesis, and AI, making it a unique and interdisciplinary startup that is making a significant impact on the healthcare industry.


Evidence Prime is a startup that is making a significant impact on the healthcare industry by providing modern IT collaboration tools for Evidence-Based Health Care experts. With a suite of products designed to streamline the process of creating evidence-based health care resources, including the de-facto worldwide standard for health care guideline development, GRADEpro, and the award-winning deep learning model, Laser AI, the company is making it easier for healthcare organizations to make informed decisions.





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