Startup Showcase: Executive OTC Group (EOG) – Simplifying Cryptocurrency Trading

Are you tired of the complicated and cumbersome process of trading cryptocurrency on traditional exchanges? Are you frustrated with the limited options available to casual traders and investors? Look no further than Executive OTC Group (EOG), the peer to peer OTC trading platform based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

In this Startup Showcase, we will explore how EOG is simplifying the process behind cryptocurrency trading and changing the rules of the game with their innovative peer to peer OTC platform.

Revolutionizing the OTC Trading Market

EOG is not a Bitcoin Exchange; it offers a brand new, innovative method and software to trade cryptocurrency. Their custom-designed mobile web application empowers you to buy and sell cryptocurrency directly from individual buyers and sellers rather than through Bitcoin exchanges. This allows for personalized and customized cryptocurrency transactions with no minimums and no upper limits.

EOG’s mission is for everyone to have easy trade access to cryptocurrency. Currently, cryptocurrency can only be traded on exchanges or through OTC trade desks that are reserved only for high net worth individuals with a minimum of $250,000. OTC trade desks are also famous for their stale, manual, and siloed processes, lacking transparency and any kind of integration.

EOG is changing the rules of the game by opening up peer to peer OTC trading to everyone, not just high net worth individuals. Supported by their market research, they have identified a growing demand for personalized and customized cryptocurrency transactions. EOG’s peer to peer platform is automated and integrated top to bottom, from listing your cryptocurrency offer to embedded negotiations and locking in your contract.

EOG’s Vision and Future Goals

EOG’s vision is to enable everyone to trade cryptocurrency over the counter, peer to peer. They are exploring the use of smart contracts to complete contract settlement through blockchain, which would further simplify the process for users.

EOG is already making waves in the cryptocurrency trading market with their innovative platform, and they have big plans for the future. They are continuously conducting market research and gathering feedback from their users to improve their platform and expand their services.

EOG also plans to expand its reach to a global audience, making peer to peer OTC trading available to anyone, anywhere in the world. They aim to be the go-to platform for personalized and customized cryptocurrency transactions, revolutionizing the way we trade cryptocurrency.


EOG is simplifying the process behind cryptocurrency trading and changing the game for casual traders, investors, brokers, and hedge funds alike. Their innovative peer to peer OTC platform is automated, integrated, and accessible to everyone with no minimums and no upper limits. With their focus on personalized and customized cryptocurrency transactions and plans for global expansion, EOG is a startup to watch in the cryptocurrency trading market.




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