Startup Showcase: MicroTraffic Revolutionizes Road Safety with AI-Powered Analytics

Using AI and Traffic Cameras, MicroTraffic Predicts and Prevents Crashes.

Road safety is a critical concern for cities worldwide, and MicroTraffic, a Winnipeg-based startup, is at the forefront of revolutionizing road safety with their AI-powered video analytics platform. By harnessing the power of computer vision and existing overhead traffic cameras, MicroTraffic provides invaluable insights to help cities build proactive road safety improvement plans, detect near-misses, and predict future crash likelihood. With a mission to support cities in achieving Vision Zero, MicroTraffic is transforming the way governments tackle road safety challenges.

AI-Powered Video Analytics for Safer Roads

MicroTraffic’s innovative solution utilizes AI algorithms to analyze real-time video data from existing traffic cameras. By applying computer vision technology, MicroTraffic can accurately detect near-misses, assess crash risks, and generate comprehensive data on traffic behavior. This invaluable information empowers traffic engineering groups within city public works departments to make data-driven decisions for road safety improvements.

Future-Proofing Cities with Advanced Crash Prediction

One of MicroTraffic’s standout features is its proprietary crash prediction technology. By leveraging historical data, traffic patterns, and AI algorithms, MicroTraffic can forecast crash likelihood with an impressive 94% accuracy rate. This capability allows cities to identify high-risk areas and proactively implement safety measures before accidents occur. With MicroTraffic’s predictive analytics, cities can save lives, reduce injuries, and minimize the economic impact of road crashes.

Partnering with Cities to Achieve Ambitious Safety Goals

MicroTraffic actively collaborates with cities worldwide to help them achieve their Vision Zero goals. Vision Zero aims to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, making roads safe for all users. MicroTraffic’s comprehensive suite of services includes assisting cities in developing proactive road safety improvement plans, ongoing monitoring of risk reduction, and measuring progress towards Vision Zero objectives. With MicroTraffic’s support, cities have seen an average of 80% risk reduction when implementing their safety plans.

With a Global Footprint, MicroTraffic is Making a Difference

MicroTraffic’s impact extends far beyond the streets of Winnipeg. The startup has successfully deployed its technology in 95 cities worldwide, including major metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles, Austin, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Amsterdam, Beijing, and Fukushima. By providing actionable insights and measurable results, MicroTraffic has become a trusted partner for cities striving to make their intersections safer.


As road crashes continue to claim lives and burden cities with economic costs, MicroTraffic is leading the charge to create safer streets for everyone. With their advanced AI-powered technology, proactive approach, and impressive track record, MicroTraffic is redefining road safety and helping cities move closer to the ambitious goal of Vision Zero.


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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.