Startup Showcase: ORNA – The AI-Driven Security Orchestration Platform for Small and Midsize Businesses

ORNA is an innovative AI-driven Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) platform for small and midsize businesses that detects cyberattacks and uses AI to guide response, reporting, compliance, and prevention efforts through an innovative real-time collaborative environment. ORNA aims to disrupt the status quo of traditional incident response plans and playbooks, DR, BCP processes, and the associated outdated approaches to handling security incidents.

AI-Driven Security Orchestration

ORNA’s unique AI engine uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to collate data across 28 sources, from the customer’s infrastructure, to CVE, MITRE, and the DarkWeb, to generate highly detailed attack and incident-specific tasks and actions for every stakeholder across not only IT, but legal, executive, HR, communications, and other domains. This way, everyone in your organization knows exactly what to do to respond to this particular incident with the utmost efficiency. ORNA’s AI-driven security orchestration ensures that no aspect of an incident is missed, and all relevant parties are informed and empowered to respond effectively.

Risk & Compliance and Report Builder Features

ORNA’s simple-to-use Risk & Compliance and industry framework-adherent Report Builder features will help you prevent attacks, streamline reporting, and reduce cyber insurance premiums by guiding your organization through the NIST process in a much more straightforward manner than the framework itself. By automating the compliance process, ORNA enables organizations to focus on their core business operations while ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Playbook Community Marketplace

ORNA’s Playbook Community Marketplace allows organizations, consultants, and vendors to easily create, customize, share, and even sell cyber incident playbooks with other ORNA users. This feature offers a unique way for organizations to learn from each other and leverage the collective knowledge of the cybersecurity community. Think App Store for cybersecurity resources.

Pricing and Complimentary Training

ORNA delivers an enterprise SOAR experience for a fraction of the price, making it accessible to small and midsize businesses that would otherwise not be able to afford such a sophisticated platform. Additionally, ORNA provides complimentary training and attack simulations to keep its customers’ skills sharp and ensure that they are always prepared to respond to cyber incidents.


ORNA is an AI-driven Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) platform for small and midsize businesses that detects cyberattacks and guides response, reporting, compliance, and prevention efforts through an innovative real-time collaborative environment. By leveraging AI and automation, ORNA disrupts the traditional incident response approach and streamlines the process for small and midsize businesses. With features like the Risk & Compliance and Report Builder, Playbook Community Marketplace, and complimentary training, ORNA is the ideal solution for businesses looking to enhance their cybersecurity posture.





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