Startup Showcase: POTLOC – Revolutionizing Market Research with First-Party Data

Unveiling Potloc's Cutting-Edge First-Party Data Platform for Targeted Consumer Surveys.

In the fast-paced world of market research, finding innovative ways to gather reliable data and connect with target audiences is paramount. That’s where POTLOC comes in. As a leading first-party data platform, POTLOC utilizes social networks to acquire geo-targeted consumer surveys, providing market insights that empower businesses to make informed decisions. Trusted by industry leaders and backed by advanced sampling technology, POTLOC has become the new standard in market research.

Driving Reliable Insights with First-Party Data

In an era where data privacy and accuracy are crucial, POTLOC stands out by harnessing the potential of first-party data. By leveraging social networks, POTLOC taps into the opinions and feedback of over 4.6 billion users, forming the foundation of the largest panel in the world. This vast pool of respondents ensures that the insights generated are authentic and reflective of real-world perspectives. With POTLOC, businesses gain access to reliable data that enables them to connect with their target audiences effectively.

Pinpoint Accuracy through Revolutionary Sampling Technology

POTLOC’s commitment to accuracy is driven by their revolutionary sampling technology. This cutting-edge system enables businesses to obtain high-quality data insights with pinpoint accuracy. By employing sophisticated algorithms, POTLOC ensures that surveys reach the right people at the right time, eliminating the guesswork from market research. Whether it’s capturing consumer preferences, measuring satisfaction levels, or gauging brand perception, POTLOC’s sampling technology empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Catering to Varied Needs through Multifaceted Surveying Approaches

Understanding that every business has unique requirements, POTLOC goes beyond social media-based surveys to offer a range of methodologies. This ensures that clients receive the most accurate and appropriate insights for their specific needs. Whether it’s online surveys, in-person interviews, or focus groups, POTLOC’s diverse approach guarantees comprehensive and actionable data. By adapting to different research objectives, POTLOC provides a holistic view of consumer behavior, preferences, and opinions, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the curve.

Unlocking Opportunities for Businesses and Professionals Alike

As a trusted partner to leading brands, organizations, consulting firms, and investment funds, POTLOC has built a reputation for delivering impactful insights. With their data-driven approach, businesses can unlock new opportunities and create strategies that resonate with their target audiences. Furthermore, POTLOC’s commitment to being a Great Place to Work attracts talented individuals seeking a rewarding career in market research. By fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation, POTLOC empowers its employees to contribute to the company’s mission of driving meaningful insights.


Whether you’re a business seeking authentic and impactful insights or a talented individual looking for a Great Place to Work, POTLOC is ready to start the conversation. Embrace the power of first-party data and discover how POTLOC’s market research solutions can transform your decision-making process.


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