Startup Showcase: qT-group – Revolutionizing Financial Capital Services

qT-group is a leading global company that specializes in financial capital services and artificial intelligence. With over 10+ companies globally, the group has established a strong presence in Canada, the US, Northern Europe, Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Singapore. The group’s focus on applying artificial intelligence and financial investment in various fields, including hospitality management and finance, has made it a popular choice for businesses looking to maximize their profits.

Revolutionizing Financial Capital Services

qT-group’s principal activities revolve around artificial intelligence and financial investment. Its focus is on providing businesses with financial investment services that can help them maximize their profits. The group’s expertise in financial management has been developed over the years, and it has successfully managed investments worth over $150 million in Vietnam between 2009-2014.

Expanding Across North America

The group is currently expanding and establishing new companies in North America to cater to the growing demand for its services. The expansion is in response to the different laws in each state, especially the interests of corporate investment. Each company outside Vietnam is calling on qT-Vietnam to develop and refine its core products to suit each region’s unique needs.

TempoNote – Productivity in the Time of Covid-19

TempoNote is one of the group’s products, and it is joining the effort to support the world in making working productivity excellent even in the time of Corona Virus Covid-19. This tool is designed to help businesses increase productivity and efficiency in their operations, which is especially important during the current pandemic.

Joining for Infinite & Luxury Profit

qT-group is a company that businesses can join for infinite and luxury profit. Its strong world-leading experience in artificial intelligent applications, combined with its financial management expertise, has made it a popular choice for businesses looking to maximize their profits. Each company outside Vietnam this year is expected to call for investment of $100 million usd.


qT-group is a revolutionary company that is transforming the financial capital services industry with its expertise in artificial intelligence and financial investment. Its focus on helping businesses maximize their profits has made it a popular choice for businesses globally. With its expansion into North America and its innovative products like TempoNote, qT-group is poised to become a leader in the industry.





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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.