Startup Showcase: Sevenza – Transforming African Small Businesses through Technology and Market Reach

In today’s digital age, the growth of e-commerce has been nothing short of revolutionary. However, despite the numerous opportunities it presents, there are still many small businesses in Africa that are not utilizing its full potential. That’s where Sevenza comes in – a Calgary-based e-commerce platform that helps enterprises, small businesses, and sole-traders in Africa to advertise, market, and sell products and services to domestic, continental, and global markets.

Driven by passion, commitment, and the desire to transform the African economic landscape, Sevenza is leveraging technology and new ways of doing things to provide small businesses with access to markets and knowledge, ultimately enabling them to grow their businesses in a collective manner. Sevenza is developing what they call the Sevenza Digital Eco-System, which is an interlinked platform that enables people to complete jobs, relieve pain points, and provide economic prosperity pathways using technology and market reach to showcase their brands to the world.

Creating Opportunities for African Small Businesses

With Sevenza, small businesses in Africa can now access a global market, allowing them to increase their sales and grow their businesses. The platform creates an opportunity for small businesses to showcase their products and services to customers from around the world, regardless of their location. By providing a platform that allows them to advertise, market, and sell their products, Sevenza is enabling small businesses to compete with larger corporations, which is a game-changer in a continent where small businesses make up the majority of the economy.

Facilitating Economic Growth through Technology

Sevenza is using technology to facilitate economic growth, particularly in Africa, where there is a huge potential for growth. The Sevenza Digital Eco-System is an interconnected platform that uses technology to help small businesses and individuals access markets and knowledge, ultimately enabling them to grow their businesses. The platform provides a variety of tools and resources that small businesses can use to market and sell their products online, making it easier for them to reach new customers and grow their business.

Creating a Collaborative Ecosystem

One of the unique things about Sevenza is that it is creating a collaborative ecosystem where small businesses can work together to achieve their goals. By leveraging the power of the African economic groupings, Sevenza is creating a platform where small businesses can share knowledge and resources, ultimately enabling them to grow their businesses in a collective manner. This approach is a game-changer for small businesses in Africa, as it allows them to access resources and knowledge that they may not have been able to access before.


Sevenza is a Calgary-based e-commerce platform that is transforming the African economic landscape through technology and new ways of doing things. The Sevenza Digital Eco-System is an interconnected platform that enables small businesses and individuals to access markets and knowledge, ultimately enabling them to grow their businesses in a collective manner. By providing small businesses with access to a global market, Sevenza is creating opportunities for economic growth and prosperity in Africa. If you’re looking to learn more about Sevenza, be sure to check out their website and social media channels.




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