Startup Showcase: Talkatoo – Revolutionizing Dictation for Busy Professionals

As the saying goes, time is money. For busy professionals such as doctors, veterinarians, and lawyers, time is a precious commodity that they cannot afford to waste. Talkatoo understands this and has developed a dictation software that helps these professionals streamline their workflow and save time. In this startup showcase, we will delve deeper into Talkatoo and how it is revolutionizing dictation for busy professionals.

What is Talkatoo?

Talkatoo is a Halifax-based startup that makes and sells dictation software for professionals. The software allows users to dictate their notes, documents, and emails using their voice, making it faster and more efficient than typing. Talkatoo’s software is designed to work with all software on both PC and Mac, including Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Practice Management Software (PMS) systems, which are used for record-keeping in almost all medical and veterinary practices.

Who are Talkatoo’s Customers?

Talkatoo’s customers are busy professionals who have high hourly bill rates and hectic schedules. These professionals include doctors, veterinarians, and lawyers, whose documentation requirements are rigorous and driven by liability management and professional regulation. By using Talkatoo’s product, these professionals can save time, allowing them to get more done or enjoy more leisure time.

How Talkatoo Saves Time?

By using Talkatoo’s dictation software, a professional with a bill rate of $200/hour can increase billings by approximately $50,000. This assumes a time savings of one hour per workday. Talkatoo’s software allows users to dictate their notes, documents, and emails using their voice, making it faster and more efficient than typing. Talkatoo’s software also works seamlessly with EMR and PMS systems, eliminating the need to switch between applications, saving even more time.

Talkatoo’s Future Plans

Talkatoo’s product roadmap is to have a cross-platform solution that will work just about anywhere. The company plans to develop a web browser solution, an Android or iOS keyboard, and PC and Mac applications. These developments will make Talkatoo’s dictation software even more accessible and user-friendly, allowing busy professionals to work even more efficiently.


Talkatoo is a game-changer for busy professionals who need to manage their time effectively. By using Talkatoo’s dictation software, these professionals can streamline their workflow, save time, and increase their billings. Talkatoo’s product is user-friendly, works seamlessly with EMR and PMS systems, and is designed to work with all software on both PC and Mac. With its future plans to expand its offerings, Talkatoo is set to become an even more essential tool for busy professionals.




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