Startup Showcase: Tru Earth – Leading the #TruEarthMovement to a Sustainable Future

As our planet faces an increasing environmental crisis, businesses around the world are stepping up to the challenge and finding innovative ways to address this pressing issue. One such business is Tru Earth, a Vancouver-based company that is leading the charge in eco-friendly household products. At its core, Tru Earth is a movement to eliminate plastic from landfills and oceans. In this Startup Showcase, we’ll take a closer look at Tru Earth, its mission, and its impact on the environment.

The Tru Earth Movement

Tru Earth is not just a business, but a movement. It is a call to action for consumers to join together and make a difference in the fight against plastic waste. With more than a quarter million people in over 50 countries already on board, the #TruEarthMovement is quickly gaining momentum.

The company’s founder and CEO, Brad Liski, has made it his mission to create household products that not only work well but are also good for the planet. Tru Earth’s flagship product is its eco-strips laundry detergent, which is packaged in compostable cardboard and contains no plastic. According to Tru Earth, using their laundry strips can reduce carbon emissions by up to 94%, which is a significant impact on the environment.

Products and Promises

Tru Earth’s product line includes laundry strips, multi-surface cleaning strips, and stain remover bars. All of these products are packaged without plastic, which is a major point of difference from traditional household products. Tru Earth is also committed to sustainability beyond its products. The company promises to match all first-time subscriptions by donating to families in need across the globe. This is a great way for customers to make an impact not only in their own homes but also in communities around the world.

Tru Earth also plans to launch additional eco-friendly products in the future. In fact, the company’s website invites visitors to sign up for their newsletter to be the first to know about new product launches.

The Impact of Tru Earth

Tru Earth’s impact on the environment is impressive. According to the company’s website, since its launch in 2019, Tru Earth has eliminated over 40 million plastic jugs from landfills and oceans. This is a significant achievement, and it’s just the beginning. As Tru Earth continues to grow and gain traction, it has the potential to make an even bigger impact on the planet.


Tru Earth is a company that is making a real difference in the world. Its commitment to eliminating plastic from landfills and oceans is inspiring, and its products are a testament to the fact that sustainable options can be effective and affordable. As more people become aware of the impact of plastic on the environment, businesses like Tru Earth will continue to grow and lead the way towards a more sustainable future.





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