Startup Showcase: vLife App – Supporting Local Businesses and Communities

In a world where online shopping and large corporations dominate the market, it can be difficult for small independent businesses to stand out. However, vLife App is on a mission to change that. With their innovative social enterprise platform, vLife App connects people with the small independent businesses that make our communities unique.

Supporting Local Businesses

vLife App’s platform makes it easy for consumers to find and connect with local businesses in their area. By prioritizing local businesses, vLife App helps to retain more consumer dollars in the community, thereby supporting the local economy. This results in a more vibrant and diverse community, where small businesses can thrive.

Triple Bottom Line Company

As a triple bottom line company, vLife App prioritizes people, planet, and profit. They believe that a successful business should not only be financially sustainable but should also have a positive impact on the community and the environment. By supporting local businesses, vLife App is contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future.

Connecting Businesses with Customers

vLife App helps increase small business brand awareness and online presence by featuring them on their platform and promoting their businesses to their growing audience. This helps small businesses gain exposure and reach new customers they may not have otherwise been able to reach.

Categories and Services

vLife App services over 90 diverse small independent goods and service providers in a variety of categories ranging from local gifts, art and artisans, beauty, health and wellness, fashion and style, business services, fix-it, home and garden, and more. Their website provides a comprehensive list of categories, making it easy for consumers to find what they’re looking for.


vLife App is an innovative social enterprise platform that connects people with small independent businesses. By prioritizing local businesses, vLife App is contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future. With their easy-to-use platform and commitment to supporting local businesses, vLife App is making it easier than ever for consumers to shop small and support their communities.





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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.