Startup Showcase: Yervana Services Inc

Revolutionizing Outdoor Adventures and Data Analytics for the Tourism Industry

In the world of outdoor adventures and data analytics, Yervana Services Inc stands out as a game-changer. This innovative startup, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, is redefining the way locals and explorers connect in the realm of outdoor experiences. At the same time, Yervana is empowering Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) with powerful data analytics tools to optimize their marketing strategies. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Yervana and discover how this startup is making a difference.

One-of-a-Kind Outdoor Experiences

Yervana’s multifaceted web and mobile platform serves as an online marketplace where adventure seekers can find unique outdoor experiences offered by local adventure providers. Whether it’s hiking, kayaking, skiing, or any other thrilling activity, Yervana connects explorers with knowledgeable local guides who share their passion for the great outdoors. With Yervana, adventurers can discover hidden gems, explore off-the-beaten-path destinations, and create unforgettable memories.

Adventure Brand and Marketplace

For local adventure providers, Yervana is a valuable adventure brand and online marketplace. By joining Yervana, guides and businesses gain access to a dedicated platform that helps them market their adventures, manage bookings, and process payments seamlessly. Yervana provides the necessary tools and support for local providers to showcase their expertise and reach a wider audience, fostering growth and exposure for their businesses.

Empowering Destination Marketing Organizations

Yervana’s impact extends beyond connecting adventurers and local providers. The startup recognizes the importance of data analytics in the tourism industry and has developed a proprietary DMO analytics platform. This powerful tool empowers DMOs with comprehensive data insights and real-time information, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies.

End-to-End Customer Journey Insights

Yervana’s DMO analytics platform tracks the entire customer journey, from initial awareness to final booking, providing DMOs with a holistic understanding of their target audience’s behavior. By consolidating data from multiple sources into one intuitive dashboard, Yervana simplifies data management and analysis, allowing DMOs to focus on their destination and streamline their marketing efforts.

Optimizing Marketing Spend and Alignment

With Yervana’s DMO analytics, Destination Marketing Organizations can optimize their marketing spend by identifying the most effective channels and campaigns. The platform’s advanced analytics and reporting capabilities enable DMOs to assess their marketing performance, measure ROI, and refine their strategies accordingly. Moreover, Yervana’s dashboard facilitates cross-departmental alignment within DMOs, fostering collaboration and ensuring a unified approach to destination marketing.


Yervana Services Inc is revolutionizing the outdoor adventure industry while empowering Destination Marketing Organizations with intelligent data analytics. Through its platform, Yervana connects adventure seekers with local providers, offering unique experiences that go beyond the beaten path. Simultaneously, the startup’s DMO analytics platform equips DMOs with valuable insights to enhance their marketing strategies and make data-driven decisions. Yervana is shaping the future of outdoor adventures and tourism analytics, creating a win-win scenario for adventurers, local providers, and DMOs.





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