Startup Showcase: 123Genetix – Revolutionizing Stem Cell Research with AI

123Genetix is an innovative biotech company located in London, Ontario, that aims to revolutionize stem cell research by using AI to empower rare diseases researchers and future pandemic preparedness. They are a for-profit enterprise with a social conscience that creates validated artificially induced pluripotent stem cells (aiPSC) to empower global rare diseases research.

Empowering Global Rare Diseases Research

There are almost 10,000 known rare diseases that affect about 8%-10% of the population of North America and Europe. Eighty percent of rare diseases have an identified genetic basis, and for most of those, limited gene mutations appear to be responsible. Unfortunately, less than 40% of rare diseases have formal support and research organizations to speak for them, and obtaining financial support for most rare disease research remains a daunting challenge.

123Genetix believes that rare should not mean forgotten. To empower global rare diseases research, they have created a growing online library of artificial intelligence (AI) based simulations of rare diseases, including rare cancers. These models are customizable by the investigator and have several critical applications. They are designed for hypothesis generation, research and experimental planning, grant writing, and novel targeted drug discovery. At present, only 5% of rare diseases have FDA approved therapies. 123Genetix is passionate about transforming rare and other diseases, such as COVID-19, research and the lives of affected families.

Revolutionizing Stem Cell Research

123Genetix uses AI to revolutionize stem cell research. The company creates validated artificially induced pluripotent stem cells (aiPSC) that can be used to study diseases and find cures. The stem cells can be programmed to become any type of cell in the body, which makes them a powerful tool for medical research. With their AI technology, 123Genetix can create these stem cells quickly and efficiently, reducing the cost and time needed for research.

Future Pandemic Preparedness

123Genetix is not only focused on rare diseases research, but they are also preparing for future pandemics. With their AI technology, they can quickly develop and test potential treatments for new diseases. The company’s expertise in stem cell research makes them a valuable partner for pharmaceutical companies that are looking for innovative solutions to combat new viruses. The ability to quickly develop and test potential treatments can save lives in the event of a new pandemic.

Moving to the Next Level with IBM

123Genetix is part of the IBM-13 incubator, and IBM is assisting them with the migration of their DeepNEU platform to the IBM cloud. This move will enable them to dramatically increase their processing capabilities and access to global markets. With IBM’s assistance, 123Genetix is positioning themselves to be a leader in the biotech industry, with the ability to change the lives of millions of people.


In conclusion, 123Genetix is a biotech company that uses AI to empower global rare diseases research, revolutionize stem cell research, and prepare for future pandemics. With their innovative technology and social conscience, they are transforming the biotech industry and changing the lives of millions of people.



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