Startup Showcase: True Illusion Software – Developing Games That Players Want to Play

True Illusion Software is a start-up company of experienced developers and business managers who have been in the gaming industry for over 20 years. Their philosophy is to create games that players want to play by including them in every step of the development process. TIS has expertise in managing businesses with over 50 years of combined management experience in fields like web presence and retail. Their business strategy has three pillars that help them to create successful games.

A Passion for Gaming

True Illusion Software believes that the best way to create a game that people want to play is by involving players in the development process. They understand that games need to be both fun and sellable, and they work to balance these two aspects. Their team of hand-picked developers ensures that the quality of the game is top-notch, and they outsource certain parts of the game to get the best quality possible. The third pillar of their business strategy is to connect with the right people from the start, which is evident in their current project.

Partnering with Soccer Legend Claudio Chiellini

True Illusion Software is currently working on Soccer Legend Online, a game that combines FIFA’s soccer and GTA5 Online mode, two of the best grossing game title franchises of all time. They have partnered with Claudio Chiellini, twin brother of Giorgio Chiellini, Italy’s National Soccer Player, who has over 2.5 million followers on Facebook and Twitter. They plan to release an alpha version of the game at Steam Greenlight early access and promote it to every game reporter on the planet to build a fanbase before the release.

Funding to Bring Their Vision to Life

True Illusion Software is seeking funding to hire more people and bring their vision to life faster. With their experience in the gaming industry and their passion for creating games that players want to play, they are sure to be successful.


In conclusion, True Illusion Software is a company with a passion for creating games that players want to play. Their expertise in managing businesses and the gaming industry, combined with their partnership with Claudio Chiellini, positions them for success. With the right funding, they will be able to hire more people and bring their vision to life faster. If you are interested in learning more about True Illusion Software, visit their website and follow them on Twitter.




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