Startup Showcase: Be Wear Wearable Technologies – Enhancing Personal Safety with Fashionable Wearables

Be Wear Wearable Technologies is a Toronto-based startup that is making waves in the wearable tech industry with its innovative products that aim to provide personal security and protection in a stylish and discreet manner. The company’s focus is on creating wearable devices that can be integrated into people’s everyday lives and provide aid and protection in a variety of situations. In this Startup Showcase, we’ll take a closer look at Be Wear’s mission, its flagship product Loop, and the impact it’s having on the industry.

Mission and Vision

Be Wear was founded with the goal of addressing the growing need for personal security and protection in today’s world. The company’s mission is to empower people to feel safe and secure in their daily lives by providing them with innovative wearable technologies that seamlessly integrate into their routines. Be Wear’s vision is to create a world where people can live freely and without fear, knowing that they have access to reliable and effective personal safety devices.

Flagship Product: Loop

Loop is Be Wear’s flagship product, and it’s easy to see why. This innovative and discreet safety accessory takes the form of smart jewelry in the form of rings, bracelets, and collectible charms that users can wear at all times. In the event of an emergency or disaster, users can discreetly call for help with the press of a button, alerting up to five close friends or family members and showing them their location on a map.

The Loop app also allows users to customize their alerts, so they can choose the specific people they want to notify in different situations. For example, if a user is out for a run, they might only want to alert their partner if they need help, while if they’re traveling alone, they might want to alert their entire emergency contact list.

The device is designed to be both stylish and functional, so users can feel good about wearing it while also feeling safe and secure. And with a battery life of up to six months, users don’t have to worry about constantly charging their device.

Other Be Wear Products

While Loop is Be Wear’s most well-known product, the company also offers a range of other wearable technologies designed to enhance personal safety and security. These include child safety wearables that allow parents to keep track of their children’s whereabouts, and a bulletproof clothing smart system designed for first responder industries.

Be Wear’s team of engineers and designers is constantly working on new products and solutions to meet the needs of its customers and stay ahead of the curve in the wearable tech industry.

Final Thoughts

Be Wear Wearable Technologies is a startup that is making a real difference in the world by addressing the growing need for personal safety and protection. Its innovative products, including the flagship Loop device, provide users with reliable and effective personal safety solutions that seamlessly integrate into their daily lives.


As we continue to face a world filled with uncertainty and danger, Be Wear is helping people feel more empowered and confident in their ability to protect themselves and their loved ones. It’s a mission that is both admirable and inspiring, and one that is sure to continue to drive Be Wear forward in the years to come.





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