Startup Showcase: Embold – Simplifying Influencer Marketing in Canada

Embold is a Calgary-based startup that is revolutionizing the world of influencer marketing. By using social media analytics to run targeted paid promotions, Embold brings a simplified approach to influencer marketing. With a growing roster of influencers primarily based in Canada, Embold is making it easier for brands and marketers to connect with influencers and run data-driven marketing campaigns.

A Simplified Approach to Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become an increasingly popular way for brands to reach their target audience. However, it can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Embold simplifies the process by using social media analytics to run targeted paid promotions. This ensures that brands and marketers are reaching their desired audience and getting the most value for their investment. Embold’s influencers know exactly what they can make per post when they sign up, so there are no surprises, and they are guaranteed to get paid.

Building the Airbnb of Influencer Marketing

Embold’s ultimate goal is to build the Airbnb of influencer marketing. This platform will have detailed profiles for influencers, including audience demographics, past promotions, and what they charge per campaign. This will allow brands and marketers to use Embold’s platform to contact, plan, and execute data-driven marketing campaigns. By creating a centralized platform, Embold is making it easier for brands and influencers to connect and work together.

Filling a Gap in the Canadian Market

While there are several platforms and agencies that offer influencer marketing services, the roster to run campaigns within Canada is very limited. The influencer marketing agencies operating in Canada often deal with social media celebrities and overlook micro-influencers. This can be a disadvantage for small and medium-sized businesses who are looking to run campaigns but can’t afford the high costs associated with working with larger influencers. Embold offers a hybrid solution, working with micro-influencers and social media celebrities to offer a wider range of options for brands and marketers. This also allows them to lower the cost of running a campaign, making it accessible to more businesses.


Embold is a game-changer in the world of influencer marketing. By simplifying the process and building a centralized platform, Embold is making it easier for brands and influencers to connect and work together. With a growing roster of influencers and plans to expand their platform, Embold is poised to become a leading influencer marketing agency in Canada.



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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.