Startup Showcase: EMPOWER – Revolutionizing Internet Access in Emerging Markets

Empower is a digital content provider that is changing the way emerging markets access the internet. Based in Toronto, Ontario, Empower is dedicated to providing reliable, fast, and affordable access to online content without the need for mobile data. Their innovative “Last Mile Internet Caching” technology makes internet access possible even in areas with limited connectivity, helping to close the access gap for refugee communities around the world.

In this startup showcase, we’ll explore how Empower is revolutionizing internet access in emerging markets and changing lives for the better.

Last Mile Internet Caching: The Key to Affordable Internet Access

One of the biggest challenges facing emerging markets is the high cost of internet access. For many people living in poverty, accessing the internet is simply not an option. Mobile data plans can be expensive, and the lack of reliable infrastructure can make it difficult to get online.

That’s where Empower comes in. By utilizing their Last Mile Internet Caching technology, Empower is able to download web content once and make it available to an entire community without incurring costs for each user. This means that people can access the internet without needing mobile data, making it more affordable and accessible than ever before.

Partnerships and Recognition

Empower’s innovative technology has attracted the attention of some major players in the tech world. They have partnered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to pilot their solution and assess internet connectivity across three refugee settlements. They have also secured $100k in funding and start-up grants to sustain over one year of operations and product development.

Empower has received recognition from the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and has been presented as one of six Global Finalist teams at the UN Headquarters in New York for $1M of seed funding. They have also participated in the Hult Prize accelerator program in Boston, presenting to executives at Google and Verizon.

Changing Lives for the Better

Empower’s Last Mile Internet Caching technology is already changing lives for the better. By providing affordable and reliable internet access to emerging markets, they are helping to bridge the digital divide and provide opportunities for education, healthcare, and economic growth.

In refugee settlements, Empower’s technology is helping to connect people with their loved ones and providing access to important information and resources. It is also helping to create new opportunities for refugees to learn new skills and connect with the outside world.

Empower is a shining example of how technology can be used to make a positive impact in the world. By providing affordable and reliable internet access, they are helping to create a more equitable future for all.


Empower is a company that is making a real difference in the world. Their Last Mile Internet Caching technology is changing the way people in emerging markets access the internet, and their partnerships and recognition are a testament to the impact they are having. We look forward to seeing what Empower will achieve in the future.





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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.