Startup Showcase: CottonCandy – Bringing Everyday Deals to Your Fingertips

Are you tired of searching for the best deals in your area? Look no further than CottonCandy, the beautifully designed mobile app that connects local businesses with users in search of great deals. Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, CottonCandy offers a unique platform that helps users experience the best deals in their surroundings, from food and restaurants to bars, clothing, and more.

Bringing Local Deals to Your Fingertips

CottonCandy is designed to make it easy for users to browse through hundreds and thousands of local deals from local businesses. All the deals appear as stories, making it quick and simple for users to find the deals they’re looking for. Users can choose their favorite categories to focus on getting those particular deals, and with CottonCandy, they can stay updated with all the discounts in their area. No need to look anywhere else for the best deals – CottonCandy has got you covered.

Quick and Simple, No Account Needed

One of the best things about CottonCandy is how quick and simple it is to use. Users don’t need an account or to sign up for anything – they can start browsing deals right away. With CottonCandy, finding the best deals in your area has never been easier.

A Great Platform for Businesses

CottonCandy isn’t just for users – it’s a great platform for businesses too. Businesses can easily sign up their businesses with CottonCandy, and the process is quick and easy. Once signed up, businesses can upload deals as a story, which will stay up for 24 hours. This is a fun and quick way for businesses to promote their products and everyday deals to a wider audience. Businesses can also keep track of how many people have seen their deal or story, making it easy to measure the effectiveness of their promotions.

Get the Best Deals with CottonCandy

If you’re looking for a mobile app that makes it easy to find the best deals in your area, CottonCandy is the answer. With its beautifully designed interface, quick and simple browsing, and focus on local businesses, CottonCandy is the perfect app for users and businesses alike. Download CottonCandy today and start finding the best deals in your area.


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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.