Startup Showcase: Loop Industries – Leading the Way in Sustainable Plastics Technology

Discover how this Quebec-based startup is revolutionizing the plastics industry with its cutting-edge technology.

As the world continues to grapple with the environmental impact of plastics, one Canadian startup is leading the charge in finding sustainable solutions to this global challenge. Loop Industries, based in Terrebonne, Quebec, is at the forefront of the sustainable plastics technology industry, pioneering innovative ways to create high-quality plastic products from recycled waste.

Loop Industries: A Sustainable Plastics Technology Innovator

Loop Industries is a technology and licensing company that is committed to accelerating the world’s shift towards sustainable plastics. The company owns patented and proprietary technology that allows it to depolymerize waste PET plastic and polyester fiber, including plastic bottles, packaging, carpet, and polyester textiles of any color, transparency, or condition. Even ocean plastics that have been degraded by the sun and salt can be repurposed through their innovative process.

The depolymerized waste is turned into its base building blocks, or monomers, which are then filtered, purified, and repolymerized to create high-quality PET plastic resin and polyester fiber. This Loop™ branded PET plastic resin is suitable for use in food-grade packaging and can be sold to consumer goods companies to help them meet their sustainability objectives.

A Circular Economy for a Sustainable Future

By partnering with customers and production partners, Loop Industries is leading a global movement towards a circular economy. They are raising awareness of the importance of preventing and recovering waste plastic from the environment to ensure that plastic stays in the economy for a more sustainable future for all.

The circular economy model employed by Loop Industries promotes a closed-loop system, where waste is repurposed into valuable resources. This model ensures that waste is eliminated, and materials are reused or recycled to their fullest potential, creating a sustainable and environmentally responsible ecosystem.

A Revolution in Sustainable Plastics Technology

Loop Industries’ innovative technology is revolutionizing the plastics industry by creating a closed-loop system that allows waste plastic to be repurposed into valuable resources. This technology not only helps reduce the impact of plastics on the environment, but it also helps consumer goods companies meet their sustainability goals.

With their cutting-edge technology, Loop Industries is leading the way in sustainable plastics technology, and their commitment to creating a more sustainable future is evident in everything they do.





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Canada Venture News is a Canadian venture magazine that covers startups, business, technology, and innovation in Canada. The online publication provides news, insights, and resources for entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals, featuring articles, interviews, and analysis of the latest trends and developments in the Canadian startup ecosystem.