Startup Showcase: Nuutok Entreprise Inc. Revolutionizes IT Services for SMBs

Empowering Small and Medium Businesses with Innovative IT Solutions.

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often struggle to keep up with the demands of modern IT infrastructure. However, Nuutok Entreprise Inc., a Quebec-based startup, is transforming the way SMBs approach IT services. With its user-friendly, robust, and fully automated platform, Nuutok offers SMBs the integration of IT services that are locally deployed and accessible remotely. Let’s delve into the remarkable solutions that make Nuutok a game-changer in the industry.

Simplifying IT Infrastructure for SMBs

Managing IT infrastructure can be a complex and time-consuming task for SMBs. Nuutok recognizes this challenge and has developed a revolutionary system that streamlines the entire process. By leveraging a user-friendly interface and automation capabilities, Nuutok enables SMBs to effortlessly handle critical tasks such as data backups, network configurations, remote access, client virtualization, software installations, and updates. This comprehensive suite of services ensures that businesses can focus on their core operations while enjoying the benefits of a robust IT infrastructure.

Unleashing the Power of Local Server Performance and Cloud Simplicity

Traditionally, SMBs faced a difficult choice between the performance of local data storage and the flexibility of the cloud. Nuutok breaks this paradigm by offering a unique hybrid solution. With their locally deployed platform, businesses can enjoy the benefits of traditional data storage and local server performance. Simultaneously, they can access the simplicity and mobility typically associated with cloud-based services. Nuutok’s private minicloud is deployed directly to customers, granting them full control over their data while providing a seamless user experience.

Rapid Growth and Expansion

Since its inception in 2015, Nuutok Entreprise Inc. has experienced remarkable growth in the Quebec City region. With a team of talented professionals, the company has been driving innovation in the IT services sector. Currently employing around ten individuals, Nuutok plans to double its workforce by the end of 2019, a testament to its commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to SMBs.


As Nuutok continues to expand its reach and refine its offerings, it has become a beacon of hope for SMBs seeking simplified IT infrastructure management. By combining cutting-edge technology, local deployment, and remote accessibility, Nuutok offers a comprehensive suite of services that empower businesses to thrive in the digital age.


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